Featured Sunglasses

The Best Sunglasses for Men According To Their Face Shape

If you keep buying every major sunglasses brand, it is not going to help you much. What you need to do is get yourself the right pair. One that looks good with every outfit, because it looks flawless with your face shape and suits you fine.

mens sunglasses face shape

The Oval Face

Men with this face shape are lucky to have a face shape where they can experiment with different styles of sunglasses to go with their face and overall look.

Diamond Face Shape

Having a defined chin, forehead and wide cheek bones are the features of a diamond face shape. For such face shapes, the perfect sunglasses are the retro rectangular frames. Bold colors, and detailing on the frames allows the attention of the onlooker to be drawn away from the bottom half of the face to the eye area.


Shop the Square Look

The Oblong Face

If you want to give your face some balance, check the sunglasses that do not go beyond the widest part of your face. Square and round frames are a great example for these. If you go for larger styles, you can easily avoid making your features look too small. Aviator styles are a great option for tear drop silhouettes. They help accentuate the jaw and cheek bones. You need to make sure that the frames you are going for are the appropriate size for you.


Shop The Aviator Style For You

The Round Face Shape

If you have a round face shape you need to look to make as much definition as you think. Your job is to make the cheeks look slimmer with the frames that are wider than your face. Angular styles help elongate the temples and lengthen the face. You need to find a frame that comes in varying sizes. Wayfarers for example are available like this. Always go for the largest size.


Shop the Square Look

The Square Face

For people who have particularly strong features, the bigger shades you get the better they will look on you. If you have delicate features, you should go for the medium sized option. If you have the jaw line and the cheekbones of a soap star, go for rounded or aviator style frames.

People with rectangle face shape should go for softer edges and keep the detailing to a minimum, this way they can allow the natural features to show through.

So…here are some shopping links for you now that you may have a better idea what may fit you best:

– Sunglasses for a Round Face

Sunglasses for a Square Face



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